Here are some suggestions for where I can help you in Compliance.

Health and Safety
Health and Safety – NEBOSH* qualified, I can assist with many areas of your health and safety requirements, including writing standard policies and risk assessments.
Data Protection
Data Protection – As a previous Data Controller, I can help with issues around data protection and the Data Protection Act (please note: professional legal advice may be needed in some areas).
ISO9001 – fully experienced in creating, maintaining and internally auditing ISO9001.
Policy Creation
Policy creation – you may need template documents or company policies for use in your business. I have a wide range of knowledge across many areas of business and so can help create and implement these (please note: professional legal advice may be needed in some areas).
Vehicle Needs
Vehicle needs – do you need your vehicles scheduled for MOT, do you need service records kept, do you need to keep an eye on when the road tax is due? I can monitor and schedule the varying requirements to keep your vehicles on the road (experience comes from running a fleet of courier vehicle and a fleet of limousines!)
*National Examining Board for Occupational Safety and Health
Have you got other areas of Compliance where you need assistance? Please do get in touch.

Please get in touch so I can look at how my services would work for you.